Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority

Public Notices



 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 403 et. seq., The New Jersey Clean Water Enforcement Act, and the Rules, Regulations, and Standards of the Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority (NBCUA), the NBCUA has prepared DRAFT Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permits for the following facilities:

  Minaris Regenerative Medicine LLC           Allendale

 The above industrial facility have applied for permission to discharge or continue to discharge process wastewater into the NBCUA Wastewater Treatment Facility.  Based upon the information submitted in the application packages submitted, and inspections conducted by NBCUA Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) personnel, the NBCUA proposes to issue the Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permits to those facilities.  Copies of the DRAFT documents along with all supporting documents are obtainable on the NBCUA’s website,, and are available for review at the Authority Offices located at 30 Wyckoff Avenue, Waldwick, New Jersey.

 Comments on the DRAFT documents or a request the NBCUA hold a non-adversial public hearing on the documents must be submitted in writing, to the office specified below during the public comment period, which closes thirty (30) calendar days after publication of this notice.  All persons who believe that any condition of the draft document or NBCUA’s decision to issue these permit actions is inappropriate must raise all reasonable issues of concern and submit all arguments and factual materials supporting their position during the public comment period.  Any request for a public hearing shall state the nature of the proposed issues to be raised in the hearing.  A public hearing will be conducted if the NBCUA determines there is a significant degree of public interest.  If a public hearing is held, the public comment period is automatically extended through the close of the hearing.

NBCUA will consider and respond to all timely submitted comments.  The applicant, and each person who submitted written comments, will receive notice of NBCUA’s final decision to issue, deny, or redraft the document in question.

 Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority

Industrial Pretreatment Program

30 Wyckoff Avenue

P.O. Box 255

Waldwick, NJ  07463






PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 403 et. seq., The New Jersey Clean Water Enforcement Act, and the Rules, Regulations, and Standards of the Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority (NBCUA), the NBCUA has prepared DRAFT Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permits for the following facility:

 Village of Ridgewood NJ /Ridgewood Water.

  • Ames Water Treatment Facility, Wyckoff, NJ
  • Ravine Water Treatment Facility, Ridgewood, NJ
  • Wortendyke Water Treatment Facility, Midland Park, NJ

The above industrial facilities have applied for permission to discharge or continue to discharge process wastewater into the NBCUA Wastewater Treatment Facility.  Based upon the information submitted in the application packages submitted, and inspections conducted by NBCUA Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) personnel, the NBCUA proposes to issue the Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permits to those facilities.  Copies of the DRAFT documents along with all supporting documents are obtainable on the NBCUA’s website,, and are available for review at the Authority Offices located at 30 Wyckoff Avenue, Waldwick, New Jersey.

Comments on the DRAFT documents or a request the NBCUA hold a non-adversial public hearing on the documents must be submitted in writing, to the office specified below during the public comment period, which closes thirty (30) calendar days after publication of this notice.  All persons who believe that any condition of the draft document or NBCUA’s decision to issue these permit actions is inappropriate must raise all reasonable issues of concern and submit all arguments and factual materials supporting their position during the public comment period.  Any request for a public hearing shall state the nature of the proposed issues to be raised in the hearing.  A public hearing will be conducted if the NBCUA determines there is a significant degree of public interest.  If a public hearing is held, the public comment period is automatically extended through the close of the hearing.

NBCUA will consider and respond to all timely submitted comments.  The applicant, and each person who submitted written comments, will receive notice of NBCUA’s final decision to issue, deny, or redraft the document in question.

Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority

Industrial Pretreatment Program

30 Wyckoff Avenue

P.O. Box 255

Waldwick, NJ  07463

March 26, 2025
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